Each year our members vote on a naming a woman in our group as the Lady of the Year. This honor goes to the woman who has contributed her time and energy to the group and the events that we sponsor. She is also represents or mission in a stellar manner.
2008 - Marie Kelly
2009 - Lisa DeBeaumont
2010 - Marilyn Smedley
2011 - Lois Cinkuitis
2012 - Agnes Meek
2013 - Eileen Brown
2014 - Joanne Foder
2015 - Lisa Mundy.
2016 - Marcella Ghost
2017 - Karen Scheck
2018 - MaryBeth O’Flynn
2019 - Cheryl Ryan
2020 - cancelled due to pandemic
2021 - Dawn Whelihan© 2020. Powered by Arooo Co.